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It's all about us!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Hey Guys'n Gals...did you know that lipstick may be laced
with dangerous toxic metals. Metals pose a cancer risk along

with other health hazards.

  Prior research has raised some concerns over the presence of lead in lipstick, but the new study is the first to suggest that many popular lip products also contain cadmium, chromium, aluminum and other harmful metals -- some at levels that may be quite dangerous as reported in the Huffington Post... 
With risks like these, why not use and support healthy, organic, and 100% safe cosmetics??
“When we buy products, especially everyday personal-care products, we assume they're safe. And, it likely doesn't occur to most people that they may be using them improperly, or running risks even if they do follow instructions,” says Jody Rohlena, a senior editor of ShopSmart, published by Consumers Union.

Cosmetics: "Women who use months-old mascara, leave their makeup bag in a hot car, or use a little water or saliva to moisten the tip of an eyeliner applicator put themselves at risk for serious eye infections. Preservatives in makeup that keep them free of bacteria can be compromised by water, saliva, heat, and contaminants on hands. Wash your hands before applying makeup. Replace mascara every two to four months. Discard eye shadow and liners after a year. Store makeup in a cool, dry place."

Antibacterial products: Researchers have found that triclosan – an antibacterial chemical used in soaps, deodorants, mouthwashes, toothpastes,etc… causes health problems in laboratory tests involving animals.
However, there is a way to beat these unscrupulous cosmetic suppliers and take an important step out of the unhealthy norm, to protect your health and, your best features.

Here's a great source for safe and healthy cosmetics that offers you a step forward in peace of mind for health conscious ladies like yourself from a leader in the field...Sappho Organic Makeup.  
 sappho organic makeup